Right to Know Requests

Right to Know

Open Records Information and
Access Request Form

Passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature, Act No 2008-3 becomes effective January 1, 2009, requires the Township of Spring establish written policies necessary to provide for access to public records of the Township.  All requests must be made in writing, verbally (in person or telephonically), or by facsimile. John Groller has been designated as the Township’s Open Records Officer.  Requests for access to public records shall be directed to Mr. John Groller at the Township of Spring, 2850 Windmill Road, Sinking Spring, PA  19608; telephone: 610-678-5393, facsimile: 610-678-4571, E-mail: contact@springtwpberks.org.  When a request is received for access to public records, the Township will make a determination within five (5) business days of receipt of the request, to grant or deny the request.  The person or entity requesting the information will be promptly notified of the Township’s decision.  Township of Spring Resolution No. 2008-19 which provides the Township’s policies relative to access to public records is available in the Township Secretary’s office at the Municipal Building at 2850 Windmill Road, Sinking Spring, PA  19608.

The “Request for Access to Public Records Form” is available below and also in the Township Secretary’s
office at the Municipal Building.

Request for Access to Public Records Form – Word Document Fill In Form or PDF version
* Options available for submission of Request for Access to Public Records Form are:
1. Download Word Document. Fill in form (use tab key to advance) and submit electronically as an attachment to: contact@springtwpberks.org.
2. Download PDF version.  Fill in form manually and submit via regular mail, facsimile or in person.

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